qCT Lung Cancer

CE & Health Canada | Cardiothoracic | CT | Amplifier Partner

Description of use

qCT-Lung Cancer is an AI tool designed for the early detection of lung cancer and the management of lung nodules on chest CT scans. The output provides indicators for detected lung nodules ranging in size from 3mm to 30mm. Key findings include volumetry, diameter, localization, texture, calcification, spiculation, malignancy risk, and progression monitoring/volume doubling time. The AI is adaptable and supports manual modifications.

This tool aims to assist radiologists, pulmonologists, and clinicians in the swift and precise diagnosis of nodules, optimizing time efficiency for both professionals and patients.

Benefits of using the qCT :

  • Enhance clinical diagnosis accuracy with superior sensitivity and specificity, facilitating early-stage patient identification.
  • Strengthen the safety net and minimize errors from missed reporting.
  • Eliminate the need to laboriously open two scans side by side, orient them, and measure. The AI significantly reduces time by efficiently tracking all nodules.

The application content is provided by the respective AI vendors.